250 Baker Drive, Suite 222
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 6L4

Lauren Brady-MacAulay


Registered Holistic Nutritional Consultant

Lauren’s former career as a social worker taught her that a person’s overall health includes the mind, body and spirit, and depends upon many factors. Her own wellness journey began when she started to experience professional burnout and sought natural ways to support her physical and mental health. Finding nutrition to be foundational to her own good health and well-being, Lauren wanted to share her knowledge with others and graduated with honours from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, in 2013. Lauren promotes a whole-food, minimally processed diet, which is plant-based, but not necessarily vegetarian. She has a special interest in diets which support brain health, and therefore mental health, perimenopause; and is also experienced in navigating food sensitivities and helping parents to optimize their children’s nutrition.